Procure Partnerships Framework Contractor Partners Burmor are making excellent progress on site as they work on a programme of New Build works on behalf of framework users Platform Housing Group. This includes the construction, design and build of 41 new dwellings including all associated infrastructure.
This housing project was secured via the Procure Partnerships East Midlands Framework with Burmor appointed under a Direct Award call-off procedure.
Once complete, these new build homes will provide the option of affordable housing for people in Kirton and the surrounding areas. Developing this site will also improve the appearance of the local area by turning a disused, brownfield site into a housing estate which is thriving with life.
Burmor have introduced many modern methods of construction to the housing estate, 35 of the plots are being constructed using a timber frame system, Eco 100- supplied and designed by LoCal Homes and the other 6 plots are to be built using durisol’s insulated concrete form (ICF) blocks.
However, these new methods of construction are complex and require more time than building methods that are more familiar (e.g. traditional masonry construction). This is Burmor’s first time constructing using the durisol blocks so they have had to ensure they maximise training opportunities and take a proactive approach towards understanding the technicalities of the build method.
Understanding this is not only important for Burmor but also the design team who must produce technical drawings and details for subcontractors that will work to build these plots on site. To overcome the challenge of taking on a new build method Burmor have encouraged and ensured frequent collaboration in the form of team and design meetings to discuss these builds.
The project is due to complete in Spring 2023.
Luke Boekestyn, Director at Burmor, commented: “It’s great to see how fast a site can take shape when utilising MMC. This site is just the beginning in our portfolio of MMC led sites, experimenting, and developing a range of different build techniques and technologies to satisfy our clients individual strategic programmes. Our QS, Megan, has led the project excellently. Being ahead of programme and on top of quality are two important drivers for our business.”
Conor Neild-Crabb, Key Account Manager (East) at Procure Partnerships Framework, commented: “Burmor has demonstrated considerable expertise in delivering affordable housing through the Procure Partnerships for the past 3 years, we’re delighted to work with the Burmor team and it is great to see their implementation of MMC working with Platform Housing at Kirton. We’re looking forward to the scheme continuing to take shape and are delighted to have supported another housing provider to tackle the national need for more affordable homes.”
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Faye Dolan, an esteemed professional and Framework Director at Procure Partnerships, boasts a rich and diverse career spanning seven years in the construction industry. Faye’s journey within Procure Partnerships began in 2018 as a Key Account Manager, initially overseeing the North West region and later extending her purview to the entire North.