Decarbonisation Framework

Decarbonisation Framework

Organisations across various sectors are increasingly recognising the significance of decarbonisation. The construction industry, being a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, is under immense pressure to adopt sustainable practices.

Procure Partnerships Framework, a key player in the realm of procurement and project delivery, has embarked on a transformative journey by introducing a Decarbonisation Framework. This framework is poised to revolutionise how construction projects are conceived, planned, and executed, aligning them with global sustainability goals.


Understanding Decarbonisation

Decarbonisation involves reducing or eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from various processes, industries, and sectors.
Within the construction industry, this means implementing practices that minimise the carbon footprint associated with building projects.

Procure Partnerships Framework’s Decarbonisation Framework is a comprehensive approach that encompasses multiple aspects of construction, from materials sourcing to project delivery, to foster sustainability and mitigate environmental impact.

As environmental targets and the focus on carbon reduction continue to grow, the Procure Partnerships Framework offers The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 compliant (PCR15) Decarbonisation Framework to ensure the achievement of these goals.

Leveraging existing infrastructure, our Decarbonisation Framework and Retrofit Lot can facilitate the implementation of measures to reduce carbon emissions.

Enhancing the building’s structure, updating lighting systems, and upgrading boilers are among the various improvements supported within this framework.

With the flexibility to choose from eight different contract forms, including the ability to modify clauses, and options for a direct appointment or various stages of the tender process such as single-stage, two-stage, or two-stage express call-off, you maintain complete control over the procurement process.

  1. Key Components of the Decarbonisation Framework

  2. Life Cycle Assessment

    The framework emphasises the incorporation of Life Cycle Assessment in project planning. Life Cycle Assessment evaluates the environmental impact of a product or process throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal.

    By understanding the carbon footprint of each phase, we can make informed decisions to minimise the environmental impact.

  3. Material Selection and Procurement

    The Decarbonisation Framework encourages the use of sustainable and low-carbon materials.

    This includes sourcing materials locally to reduce transportation emissions, opting for recycled or renewable materials, and favouring products with a lower carbon footprint.

    The framework also promotes collaboration with suppliers committed to environmental responsibility.

  4. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

    Energy consumption during the construction and operation phases significantly contributes to a project's carbon footprint.

    The Decarbonisation Framework advocates for energy-efficient designs, technologies, and systems. Integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, is also encouraged to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

  5. Innovation and Technology

    Harnessing innovative technologies is a cornerstone of the Decarbonisation Framework. From advanced construction methods to digital tools that optimise energy use, embracing cutting-edge solutions is crucial to staying ahead of further competition.

    The framework incentivises research and development in sustainable construction technologies to continually push the industry towards a greener future.

  6. Sustainable Building Services

    Recognising that the complete elimination of carbon emissions may not be immediately feasible, the framework supports initiatives for carbon offsetting and compensation.

    This involves investing in projects that capture or prevent the release of an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide elsewhere, effectively balancing out emissions from construction activities.

  7. Collaboration Engagement

    Successful decarbonisation requires collaboration across the entire supply chain.

    The Decarbonisation Framework encourages open communication and cooperation among contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and clients. Stakeholder engagement is integral to ensuring that sustainability goals are understood, supported, and collectively pursued.

Implementation Strategy

Implementing the Decarbonisation Framework requires a strategic and phased approach.

Here's a suggested strategy for integrating this framework into the Procure Partnerships Framework

Start by raising awareness among stakeholders about the importance of decarbonisation and the benefits of the framework. Conduct training sessions to ensure that all parties involved understand the principles and objectives.
Integrate the Decarbonisation Framework into the procurement processes of the Procure Partnerships Framework. This involves updating procurement guidelines and criteria to reflect sustainability requirements, including LCA considerations and material sourcing standards.
Require project teams to develop specific decarbonisation plans as part of their overall project plans. These plans should detail how the project will adhere to the framework's principles, including strategies for material selection, energy efficiency, and stakeholder collaboration.
Implement a robust monitoring and reporting system to track the progress of decarbonisation initiatives. Regularly assess and report on key metrics such as carbon emissions, energy efficiency improvements, and the use of sustainable materials.
Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by facilitating feedback loops and lessons learned from each project. Use this information to refine and enhance the Decarbonisation Framework over time, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness.

Benefits of the Decarbonisation Framework


Environmental Impact

The most significant benefit of the Decarbonisation Framework is its positive impact on the environment.

By reducing carbon emissions, minimising resource consumption, and promoting sustainable practices, construction projects become contributors to environmental preservation rather than detractors.


Cost Savings

While there may be initial costs associated with adopting sustainable practices, the long-term advantages often outweigh the expenses.

Energy-efficient designs, renewable energy sources, and waste reduction measures can result in significant cost savings over the life cycle of a building.


Market Leadership

Companies that embrace the Decarbonisation Framework position themselves as leaders in sustainable construction.

This not only aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions but also enhances the reputation of organisations as responsible and forward-thinking entities.


Regulatory Compliance

Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly imposing stricter environmental standards.

The Decarbonisation Framework helps organisations stay ahead of regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.


Stakeholder Satisfaction

Clients, investors, and the community at large are becoming more environmentally conscious.

Adopting the Decarbonisation Framework demonstrates a commitment to sustainability, enhances stakeholder satisfaction, and fosters positive relationships with clients and investors.

Procure Partnerships Framework for Decarbonisation Framework

The Decarbonisation Framework introduced by the Procure Partnerships Framework marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of sustainable building services.

By addressing key aspects such as life cycle assessment, material selection, energy efficiency, and stakeholder collaboration, this framework provides a comprehensive guide for the construction industry to align itself with global decarbonisation goals.

While challenges exist, the pros, including environmental impact reduction, cost savings, and enhanced market leadership, make the adoption of this framework a strategic imperative for organisations.

Contact us today to learn more about our frameworks, for advice on procurement routes, or for anything else. We look forward to hearing from you!

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  • Having undertaken a two-stage mini competition via Procure Partnerships within 22-23, I found the process to be very flexible and the framework representatives very supportive and responsive. The two-stage approach worked very well for a complex, high-specification build without a specification/level of detail and the available suppliers within the region/value band submitted robust bids. Capital Procurement Manager, Gloucestershire Shared Service For NHS
  • Manchester Metropolitan University have successfully procured a number of contractors and professional services providers through the Procure Partnership framework agreements for some of our high profile projects, including a number of work experience opportunities for students through the Social Value commitment. Assistant Director of Procurement, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Procure Partnerships Framework has provided a flexible solution to procurement, which has enabled the University to access the right fit contractors, despite time constraints. The Framework team are always quick to respond to queries and advise on the most effective procurement strategy for each of our projects. Head of Procurement, Teeside University
  • Working with Procure Partnerships Framework has been great from the very beginning. They took the time to ensure that we were comfortable and up to speed with the processes of procurement at each stage, even providing us with guidance and training on what a good tender looks like. Their ongoing project delivery support ensured a robust tender list of quality contractors and allowed us to swiftly make appointments that meet our financial regulations. Head of Department: Projects, Bradford College
  • I have been using Procure Partnerships Framework on a number of key construction projects. Procure Partnerships have been responsive, proactive and focused on delivering for the client. The framework encompasses a wide range of construction disciplines, and their client relationship management is outstanding. Procurement Lead, Basildon Borough Council