Procure Partnerships Framework contractor partner Tilbury Douglas is currently on-site making excellent progress on a programme of works at Bradford Royal Infirmary, on behalf of client Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, valued at £9M.
All projects were secured via the Procure Partnerships Yorkshire Framework, adding to Procure Partnerships impressive portfolio of supporting the healthcare sector.
The work consists of eight capital projects, most of which will run concurrently, with a number being COVID-19 related. The aim of the projects is to transform patient flow, boost the work environment and enhance the experience and care provided to patients. One of the largest projects being a £3.7M maternity unit upgrade, including a new two-storey, 326 sqm extension, which will house two new maternity operating theatres, and a rooftop plantroom.
Other Projects Include:
Ward 12 – creation of a new Paediatric Same Day Emergency Care
Ward 10 Critical Care Upgrade – creating a peri-operative unit
ED Isolation Rooms
Wards 2 & 5 Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)
Endoscopy Suite Ward 25
ENT Theatres 1,2,3 Ventilation Upgrade
Facilities Corridor Changing Room
The programme also includes new high dependency units as part of the Emergency Department. The new units will be some of the first in the country and come as the NHS enters its new normal as we learn to live with Covid-19. The eight isolation rooms will be based on the ground floor of the hospital in the Emergency department and will use vents to create a lower air pressure inside the unit than in the corridors and will ensure that when the cubicle door is opened no air escapes, which lowers the risk of spreading Covid-19. The lower air pressure means that when the doors open contaminated air doesn’t flow out of the room and instead filtered clean air goes into the room. Contaminated air is sucked out of the room by an exhaust system before being filtered and released out of the building.
The sliding glass doors and centralised high fidelity monitoring system gives staff the ability to identify and respond instantly to any changes in the patient’s condition and achieve the highest possible standards of patient and staff safety. The new high dependency units will be able to cater for multiple patients at a time, and the temperature and humidity in the rooms will be monitored carefully to keep patients comfortable during their stay.
Tilbury Douglas have gone above and beyond to ensure all projects are running smoothly despite working in a live hospital environment amid a pandemic. They have maintained the appropriate hygiene standards throughout, mitigated with a specialist in-house health team and supply chain, coupled with the use of digital technologies to co-ordinate the works programme and information efficiently.
Estates and Facilities at Bradford Royal Infirmary stated that the schemes “will enhance the hospital environment for our patients and staff alike, A fast-track construction programme has been developed to demonstrate our commitment to provide first-class healthcare and surroundings to match, as well as providing the most effective hospital pathways to meet the needs and demands of our patients.”
The works will provide ‘significant Improvements’ to the services of the hospital, benefiting thousands of patients for years to come.
They continued, “We’re delighted that our emergency department’s HDU is receiving this upgrade as we look to the future to ensure our patients have world-class facilities to receive cutting-edge care in this new COVID-19 era.
One of our great strengths here in Bradford is that we, as a Trust, react quickly to new healthcare scenarios presented to us and can adapt our estate and our working practices to meet the changing needs and rising demand the NHS will face during the next decade and beyond.”
Don Stewart, Director, Tilbury Douglas said: “We are very pleased to be working in a collaborative manner with the Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on such an important programme of work. In partnership with the trust, we will provide access to exemplar facilities to further improve the patient and staff experience”.
Faye Dolan, Framework Manager, said: “Tilbury Douglas have made fantastic progress on the programme of works at Bradford Teaching Hospitals to date. There are numerous benefits of batching multiple projects to create a programme, including cost savings, and logistical convenience”.
If you would like more information on procuring a programme of works please contact your Regional Key Account Manager Here
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Faye Dolan, an esteemed professional and Framework Director at Procure Partnerships, boasts a rich and diverse career spanning seven years in the construction industry. Faye’s journey within Procure Partnerships began in 2018 as a Key Account Manager, initially overseeing the North West region and later extending her purview to the entire North.