Third Sector Initiative ; is featured as Procure Partnerships Frameworks second of twelve ‘key monthly themes’ for the collaborative working group annual schedule. This theme considers engagement with community groups, voluntary organisations, faith and equalities groups, charities, social enterprises, co-operatives, community interest companies, mutuals and housing associations.
We included this theme for contractors to interpret, to give something back to their mutual locality. This month we had a special focus on Oldham initiatives and the Northwest collaborative working group were tasked with ‘Oldham Engagement’ in addition, Procure Partnerships got involved and led on a collaborative event with Contractors and third sector initiatives.
Procure Partnerships Framework: Oldham Contractor Engagement Day
A Contractor Engagement Event held at Mahdlo Youth Zone, whereby Third sector organisations were booked/hired and invited to exhibit alongside Contractors, providing a platform to engage with their locality.
Lizz Lee, Social Value Manager, Procure Partnerships Framework, commented: “June has been a huge month for Procure Partnerships Framework in terms of Social Value and Contractor Engagement. The recent event in conjunction with Oldham Council (our contracting authority) saw twenty of the contractors on our framework come together to provide meaningful workshops and engagement for Oldham residents. It was great to see everyone who took part doing their bit, including a speed dating style networking element, social value and third sector zones. The Social Value Add achieved by this event is around £2,976.06 achieved collectively and is a great achievement for all involved”
Third sector organisations included in the event were:
• Get Oldham Working
• Mahdlo Youth Zone
• Point
• Oldham College
• The Skill Mill
• Reel CIC
Testimonial from one of the delegates, Carla Lamb, Director at 18REC: “I have been to many similar events over the years, but this was hands down the best! Very well organised with some great people! Thank you to all at Procure Partnerships.”
All photographs were taken by Marie Whitehead Photography; A new start up helped by Get Oldham Working. Contact Marie HERE for enquiries.
Mahdlo Youth Zone is a fantastic venue to facilitate a whole host of events, find more information and contact Steve Aspinall HERE
Keep a look out for the upcoming press release about the Oldham Contractor Engagement event in partnership with Oldham Council!
Yorkshire: Virtual Roundtable; How can the built environment sector support displaced talent with
Henry Boot, Seddon and Wilmott Dixon
In the South Yorkshire Region Contractors, Henry Boot, Seddon and Wilmott Dixon hosted a virtual roundtable event to discuss ‘how can the built environment sector support displaced talent’.
A range of stakeholders who support ex offenders, NEET and refugees from across the region were invited to share feedback and identify solutions to offer individuals with displaced talent engaging and informative career opportunities.
The following organisations attended the event:
• Roundabout Sheffield
• Grow Sheffield
• The Archer Project
• Endeavour
Jack Kidder, Responsible Business Manager, Henry Boot, commented: “We engaged with a range of stakeholders in South Yorkshire representing charity, community and education organisations. The conversation was rich and the feedback valuable and, not only provided excellent practical guidance and considerations, but also supported all attendees to network and better understand each other’s challenges and the opportunities to collaborate to overcome them”
The three key takeaways from the session were:
• The importance of recruitment processes to ensure that positions are engaging and accessible for a diverse audience.
• The importance of mentoring to support confidence, aspiration and ability to develop career confidence.
• Better displaying the huge range of roles in construction to showcase different skillsets and appeal to a diverse range of talent.
East & West Midlands: Virtual webinar; Young People in Construction with Vinci Construction and Tclarke
Vinci and T Clarke have arranged to work with Kings School Wolverhampton. This will involve a presentation whereby a group of 14-16year olds will be set a challenge regarding young people in construction.
The event will take place on 15th July and Include reference to onsite and off-site roles, digital and modern methods of construction.
With a view to raise awareness of modern construction roles for young people, with representation of a young woman in a thriving modern construction company from T Clarke.
Both contractors will collectively lead on ‘Digital’ and ‘Young People in Construction’ respectively. We look forward to seeing the outcomes of the plans this mont
Northwest: Mayfield Primary School Engagement; Willmott Dixon, Wates, Warden and Whitfield & Brown.
This month’s Northwest collaborative working group focussed on engaging with Oldham. The group got in touch with Mayfield Primary School in Oldham as part of their Careers Week and offered activities demonstrating various roles in construction to dispel myths that construction is all muddy boots and only for boys!
Activities were STEM based and delivered to every year group from nursery to year 6, delivering 6 sessions across the day, engaging with up to 100 students.
Testimonial: “A huge thank you for all that you have done today! The children loved it so much and I know it was such a stand out moment in our week!”
Activities delivered;
Building Towers: These special Straws and Connectors are unique tools for children’s development. They develop and stimulate children’s imagination, construction skills and problem-solving abilities. It broadens their understanding and cognitive skills.
Giant Tetrahedron: The Giant Tetrahedron is a highly motivational activity that combines construction, practical maths and problem-solving skills. It provides an exciting opportunity to develop team building and collaborative working skills through the construction of a substantial and inspiring 4m high Giant Tetrahedron using only wooden dowels and elastic bands.
A collective £2.6k Social Value Add has been generated as a result of June Social Value Activities that are non-project specific from sub-groups of Contractors across our national framework
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Faye Dolan, an esteemed professional and Framework Director at Procure Partnerships, boasts a rich and diverse career spanning seven years in the construction industry. Faye’s journey within Procure Partnerships began in 2018 as a Key Account Manager, initially overseeing the North West region and later extending her purview to the entire North.