Work has official begun on a brand-new development at Edgeworth Close in Redditch as our Contractor Partners Harper Group make a great start on a programme of £2.9m New Build Works, the first of its kind in over 20 years.
The project was secured via the Procure Partnerships West Midlands Framework.
On behalf of Redditch and Bromsgrove Borough Council, Harper Group, along with Baily Garner LLP, will soon transform an area of disused land into a new council housing estate including bungalows, two-bedroom homes and three-bedroom homes. Bungalows are in especially high demand in the area for those who are elderly and/or disabled, these new affordable housing options will be a vital addition to the local community once complete.
Although the project is still in the very early stages Harper Group have made an impressive start despite some initial challenges. Issues such as location, difficult ground conditions and areas of contamination have meant that extra health and safety procedures are in place.
Sectioning off out-of-bounds areas while sample testing and removal occurs, avoiding excessive noise and vibration to the neighbouring properties, preventing the migration of debris and mud onto the estate with additional staff taking care of hygiene and a detailed traffic management plan for all subcontractors and suppliers to manage the live site accordingly are just a few of the additional duties Harper Group have taken into consideration before proceeding with the build.
The Project is due to complete in Autumn 2022.
Norberto McBride, Senior Contracts Manager, Harper Group Commented: “We are pleased to be working with Redditch and Bromsgrove Borough Council as we understand that this is their first development in over 20 years. We would like to thank them for the opportunity, and we hope that this experience provides them with the appetite to build more local homes for local people in the future.”
Lauren Banks, Key Account Manager, Procure Partnerships Framework, Commented: “‘I’m really excited to be supporting Bromsgrove and Redditch Borough Council with this unique project and I am looking forward to seeing the scheme take shape over the next year. Many Congratulations to our contractor partner Harper Group who are delivering Edgeworth Close, it will be a great addition to the local community in Redditch”
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Faye Dolan, an esteemed professional and Framework Director at Procure Partnerships, boasts a rich and diverse career spanning seven years in the construction industry. Faye’s journey within Procure Partnerships began in 2018 as a Key Account Manager, initially overseeing the North West region and later extending her purview to the entire North.