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What Is Sustainable Procurement?

A crane in the sky

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it is a key aspect of organisational strategies across a range of industries.

97% of supply chain professionals value sustainable procurement. However, only 67% have implemented it.

From energy-efficient practices to eco-friendly products, more and more businesses are becoming aware of the importance of sustainable practices. One area where sustainability is gaining significant traction is procurement.

Procurement, the process of acquiring goods and services, plays a huge role in shaping a company’s environmental and social footprint.

Sustainable procurement goes beyond traditional considerations of cost and quality to encompass environmental, social, and economic factors throughout the supply chain. But what exactly is sustainable procurement, and why does it matter? Let’s find out…


Understanding Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable procurement, also known as green procurement or responsible procurement, involves integrating environmental, social, and ethical considerations into the procurement process.

It aims to minimise negative impacts on the environment, promote social responsibility, and support economic development, all while meeting the organisation’s needs effectively.

At its core, sustainable procurement is all about balancing people, the planet, and profit. This means making purchasing decisions that not only deliver value for money but also consider the broader implications on society and the environment.

So, when organisations consider sustainable procurement practices, they can contribute to:

  • Mitigating climate change
  • Conserving natural resources
  • Boosting fair labour practices


Key Principles of Sustainable Procurement

Here are several key principles of sustainable procurement initiatives, from environmental impact to transparency:


Environmental Impact

Sustainable procurement involves assessing the environmental impact of products and services throughout their lifecycle, from extraction of raw materials to disposal. This includes:

  • Minimising waste generation
  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Selecting environmentally friendly materials and processes

Social Responsibility

Ethical considerations are a must when it comes to sustainable procurement. This may involve:

  • Ensuring fair labour practices
  • Upholding human rights
  • Supporting diversity and inclusion within the supply chain
  • Improving conditions for disadvantaged people
  • Working with responsible suppliers


Economic Viability

While sustainability is a priority, procurement decisions must also be economically viable. Sustainable practices should deliver value for money over the long term, considering factors such as:

  • Total cost of ownership
  • Resource efficiency
  • Risk management

Ultimately, investing in sustainable solutions in construction can lead to cost savings in the lifecycle of a project, improved reputation, and promote positive change in communities.


Transparency and Accountability

Transparency is essential for building trust and accountability within the supply chain. Organisations should openly communicate their sustainability goals, performance metrics, and progress reports to stakeholders – including customers, investors, and regulatory bodies.

This transparency creates a culture of continuous improvement and drives positive change throughout the procurement process.


Benefits of Sustainable Procurement

There are countless benefits of embracing sustainable procurement, for organisations, the environment, and society as a whole. Let’s explore some of these:


Risk Mitigation

Sustainable procurement can help to mitigate the risks associated with climate change, resource scarcity, and social unrest.

This resilience ultimately enhances the organisation’s ability to adapt to changing market conditions and disruptions.


Cost Savings

Sustainable procurement practices can save costs through increased operational efficiency, reduced waste, and lower resource consumption.

Organisations can achieve significant cost reductions while minimising their environmental footprint by investing in energy-efficient technologies, optimising transportation routes, and leveraging economies of scale.

Companies with strong ESG credentials can save anything between 5% and 10% in costs.


Enhanced Reputation

Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can enhance the organisation’s reputation and brand value.

Consumers are increasingly conscious of environmental and social issues and prefer to support companies that align with their values.

When you adopt sustainable procurement practices, you can ensure you stand out in the marketplace and attract environmentally conscious customers and investors.


Innovation and Collaboration

Sustainable procurement promotes innovation by encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders.

When you work closely with suppliers, customers, and industry partners, your business can identify new opportunities for sustainable product development, process improvement, and market expansion. This collaborative approach can ultimately boost:

  • Creativity
  • Resilience
  • Long-term competitiveness


Implementing Sustainable Procurement Practices

While the benefits of sustainable procurement are clear, implementing these practices requires a strategic and holistic approach. Here are some steps organisations can take to integrate sustainability into their procurement processes.


Set Clear Goals and Targets

Define specific sustainability goals, targets, and performance indicators aligned with the organisation’s values, priorities, and stakeholder expectations. These goals should be measurable, time-bound, and integrated into procurement strategies and policies.


Early Engagement with Stakeholders

Be sure to engage internal and external stakeholders as early as possible during the procurement process. This may include:

  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • Design and project teams
  • Customers
  • Community members who are all part of the sustainable procurement journey

Seek input, feedback, and collaboration to determine opportunities, address challenges, and drive action towards shared sustainability objectives.


Integrate Sustainability Criteria

Incorporate sustainability criteria into procurement decision-making processes, such as:

  • Supplier selection
  • Product evaluation
  • Contract negotiations

Develop procurement guidelines and criteria that prioritise environmental, social, and ethical considerations – all, of course, while ensuring value for money and quality assurance.


Build Supplier Capacity

You can support suppliers in adopting sustainable practices by providing training, resources, and incentives to improve their environmental and social performance.

Collaborate with suppliers to improve transparency, traceability, and accountability throughout the supply chain. This can ultimately help to build a culture of continuous improvement and responsible sourcing.


Monitor and Evaluate Performance

Establish strong monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track progress, measure performance, and identify areas for improvement.

Make sure you regularly review key performance indicators, conduct audits, and benchmark against industry standards and best practices to ensure compliance and progress towards sustainability goals.


Partner for Good with Procure Partnerships Framework

Sustainable procurement is not a trend. It is a strategic must if you’re an organisation looking to create long-term value while safeguarding the planet and its people.

Integrating environmental, social, and economic considerations into procurement decisions can enable your business to drive positive change, mitigate risks, and grasp opportunities for innovation and growth.

At Procure Partnerships Framework, we understand the importance of sustainable procurement in building resilient, responsible, and future-ready supply chains.

We are here for you, from the pre-tender stage all the way to project handover. Let us simplify the procurement process for you while maintaining total compliance. We can help you ensure your chosen framework is compliant. 

Download our user guide today, or contact our friendly team for expert assistance tailored to the unique needs of the public sector.